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PDF Pirini Ponders – April 2018

Warm Greetings to you all from the tropical Solomon Islands.

This morning we woke to the sound of unfamiliar island music along with a language we didn’t understand coming from the transit house next to ours. It made us realized what a transformation life had become from one year ago when we said our farewells to friends and family and headed off on our journey to the Solomon Islands. This week we are hosting a team from the Ola Fou Program, an educational initiative aimed at supporting and empowering young Pacific leaders and youth workers to develop their leadership skills and gain a qualification in making a positive change to youth in their communities. A group of 53 have travelled from around South Pacific countries and Solomon Islands to gain training in this program. What a privilege it is to have them here with us.

At the same time we are saying farewell to a team from Bethlehem College in Tauranga. It was great seeing some familiar faces and getting to know the team and teachers. They came on a mission’s trip to work at Su’u school over on the Island of Malaita. They all came back enriched and blessed from the time they spent living and working alongside students and teachers in a different culture. It was touching to hear the testimonies from the students during a reflection time and the impact the lives of the Solomon Islanders had on them. They were blown away by their love to serve others and the generosity they had to give away what little they have in food or possessions. It was truly a life changing experience for them. We felt blessed to have been part of that journey with them in a logistical and practical capacity in order to accommodate their needs.

Such a diverse and contrasting role we have in the day to day running of the SWIM Base.

Over the last couple of months Ron has been extremely busy with vehicle maintenance. This last month has seen a clutch replacement on the Hilux, an exercise that took a lot of time, patience and help from all the boys to get rusted bolts loosen and a heavy gear box moved. As you can see no hoist or workshop equipment so Solomon Islands style, 2 tree stumps and blocks of wood did the trick.Maori mechanics they call Ron now!

We are excited to have our new administrator Rose and a builder Chris start with us in March. Both bring great talent and skills to the team and we have already been blessed in the work they have achieved in the month they have been here.

The base has undergone some staff housing and office renovations and the relocation of our workshop has completed the last months work along with the usual base grounds maintenance.

Tanya has been mainly working with Rose and handing over some of the administration and continuing with finances and policy work which has come from a review our board has been working hard over the last month to tighten up on. We were thankful for the Pastoral visitation and training we received for a couple of days from members of the CRCA leadership and for their support and encouragement to us as a management team.

We were fortunate to get a few days away over the Easter break which we spent with friends at a lodge an hour drive from Honiara. We did a 2 hour hike through what felt like a jungle and then river bed crossings to some amazing waterfalls, the uphill walk back however was a killer and needless to say couldn’t walk for days after!

Other than that our staff continues to keep us amused with their humor and love for life we so take for granted. Life here really is about not sweating the small stuff as we are constantly reminded when tough times hit. A quote I have on the wall next to my computer reads, “The will of God will not take us where the Grace of God cannot sustain us” This has been a daily reminder that we are here in obedience to the call God gave us and when we felt like giving up we know God knows the bigger picture and will continue to bless and sustain us through those around us outside of SWIM who are caring and supporting us in many different ways of which we are very thankful.

We look forward to a break in a month’s time to catch up with the family in Sydney and some deputation time in Tasmania so will update you on that in the next Pirini Ponderings.

Love and blessings from us to you all.

Ron and Tanya


Prayer support

We are constantly in need of your prayers and practical support back home. Thankfully with social media and technology we are able to maintain good contact with our family and friends but feel at a loss when we can’t be there in person to help out when needed. Some items of continual prayer for us would be.

1. For the CRCA triennial Synod which meets the first week of May, for clarity of the direction of the SWIM base.

2. For continued strength as we cope with the heat as the dry session approaches with even warmer temperatures, that we maintain good health and for the busy season with full bookings on the base for the next few months.

3. Continued prayer for our families back in NZ that their needs maybe meet and protection over them and their families.

4. For safety and protection over our travels and our family as we meet together in Australia. Pray that this will also be a refreshing time for us.