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 PDF Pirini Ponders – August 2018

Greetings to you all from New Zealand this time.

You may recall from our previous newsletter we shared about health concerns for our family.Sadly, these have escalated to the point Tanya needed to return home immediately to be with her daughter Elise who is to undergo surgery to have brain and spinal tumors removed. This has been a very trying and emotional time for the family. Surgery was booked for the 8th August, Elise was admitted to Auckland hospital, prepped and ready to go when they advised the operation was bigger than anticipated and they did not allow enough time to do the surgery. She was sent home with a 2 week wait, surgery now booked for the 22 August. Tanya will remain in NZ until Elise has recovered sufficiently to return home.

August 2018 Elise

Amongst the mix of all this Ron’s dad was diagnosed with dementia and has spiraled downhill rather quickly. Ron returned home 3 weeks later to assist his brother and dad at doctors’ appointments and trying to establish new routines for transport and care now he is no longer able to drive or care for himself in his home. It has been a real learning curve for us too with all the legalities etc dealing with someone who is unwell.And to top it all off Ron has needed dental work on his teeth and will require surgery for a tooth extraction and deep filling next week.

So, this visit has not been without its challenge and frustrations. We knew when we set out for the Solomon Islands to do ministry work and serve the people of the Solomon’s that it would not be easy, and sacrifices were made.We are grateful that we are only a plane ride away and can return home in times of need and be here for our families.

We are thankful for a very understanding board in Australia who have supported, encouraged and prayed for us both during this time.

It is our intention for Ron to return to the base by the end of the month once he has recovered from his dental work and more clarity around decisions for his dad are made.Again, we thank you for your support for us in whatever capacity it maybe and would value your thoughts and prayers for us over the next few weeks as we face real uncertainty with the operations and options for care with Ron’s dad John, and a speedy recovery for Ron’s dental work.

All our love and Gods blessings to you

Ron and Tanya


Prayer support

1. For Elise and her operation in a couple of weeks.

2. For Ron’s Dad, John, and the decisions family members need to make concerning his welfare.

3. For our health as we are facing a stressful time that we remain well and do not get rundown or burnt out from the issues we are dealing with.

 August 2018 verse