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PDF Pirini Ponders – February 2018

Greetings to you all for 2018.

We are back at SWIM after 3 weeks off in NZ on a very whirlwind trip visiting family, friends, churches and supporters. It was a very busy time for us and our apologies if we were not able to connect with you during this time. We are however only an email or messenger away so feel free at anytime to drop us a line and let us know what you and your families are up too.

Feb 2018 Flood

While on leave we had the privilege to speak at several churches and morning teas where we could share the work we are doing here at SWIM in person.We were caught up in the flooding in Ruby Bay, Nelson while staying with Tanya’s sister and were thankful we were able to fly in prior to the airport being closed and be on hand to help with the clean up around the property.

We are thankful since being back at SWIM we have not experienced any of the cyclone’s that hit most of the other Islands and have experienced very little rain considering it is the wet season.The base has been extremely busy with our School Sponsorship Programme running and parents and students coming to collect fees now the new school semester has begun. It is a blessing for us to be able to support children financially with school fees so they are able to return to school. A big thanks to those donors who contribute to make this happen.

Ron has been busy working on vehicles and getting them back on the road after collecting parts from our trip back in NZ.

We have started on renovations to some of our base properties and this is pretty much taking up the majority of Ron’s day, along with working on Base and other agency vehicles.

Feb 2018 Medical

We had a great time with 2 board members arriving back with us from our trip to NZ. It was wonderful being able to deliver medical supplies to the Honiara Hospital and visit the children’s ward and newborn special care unit. While we were there we also visited the Hospital school which SWIM built and still has an interest in and we will renew a good working relationship with them going forward.Our board chair visited the following week and was also instrumental in assisting with interviews and we are now pleased to have a new office administrator starting with us shortly.

On the home front, our girls and families are all doing fine and we are thankful for the time we were able to spend with them albeit a short period of time we were home. We are able to bring back some great memories and photos. Lily is now walking and talking heaps and getting into everything she is such a live wire and very active.

Again we thank you for your support for us in whatever capacity it maybe. We would very much value your prayers and thoughts for us as we enter a new season at SWIM and a few challenges we are experiencing since being back in the Solomon Islands.

Love and blessings from us to you all.

Ron and Tanya


Prayer support

Prayer supportWe are constantly in need of your prayers and practical supportback home. Thankfully with social media and technology we areable to maintain good contact with our family and friends butfeel at a loss when we can’t be there in person to help out whenneeded. Some items of continual prayer for us would be.

1. For the SIW board and SWIM management for guidance andwisdom they seek clarity of the direction of the SWIM baseand staffing issues.

2. For health, particularly Tanya as she is still recovering from achest infection and cough. Pray that this will not be an ongoingissue for the term she is in the Solomon Islands.

3. For new staff that they will settle in well and for newbeginnings for staff that have moved on.

4. Continued prayer for our families back in NZ that their needsmaybe meet and protection over them and their families.

Feb 2018 verse