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PDF Pirini Ponders – June 2019

Greetings to you all again from the Solomon Islands for our Winter Pirini Ponderings.

We are thankful for a couple of weeks leave and a break away in New Zealand and Fiji.It was a privilege and proud Mumma moment to be involved in the engagement of our daughter Charlotte to Ben Starr, so now we are looking forward to an Autumn wedding next April. We had a wonderful time visiting Taupo with the girls and loved spending time with our little granddaughter Lily who is growing so fast into a little lady with a very sassy personality. We were a little saddened to see a deterioration in Tanya’s dads mental health and certainly treasured the time we were able to spend with him.

Our time in Fiji was relaxing and we enjoyed a slightly cooler climate before heading back to the Solomon Islands.

We are thankful that in our absence the SWIM base ran smoothly and we are grateful to our staff for their hard work so we could enjoy a break away.

So, to update you on what we have been busy with since our last newsletter. We are working on a joint project with Bethesda Disability center on a Healthy Eating and Nutrition project. This is a pilot and once all the materials have been developed and some model gardens and kitchens complete, we can start training SWIM and Bethesda staff and families, and eventually out into the communities. It’s about the awareness of healthy eating and what we need to see on our plates, less carbohydrates!

We have visited the Mamosa village which is about 90 min drive from the SWIM Base. We identified a need for a water tank project, repairs to the school classrooms and some community toilets. At present the water collection is from a spring into a container, this is all the water that services the village! The plan is to dam the spring and pipe water to a tank so there will be a continual supply. We plan to work on this over the next few months so again if you have a team looking to do a mission trip let me know we can certainly use you.

Our boys are busy working on building a ramp and inside toilet at the hospital school for the students. This is a need that is long overdue, once complete the students who are patients will be able to access the classroom from the hospital and have a bathroom to use.

Other than general repairs and maintenance around the SWIM base and assistance to our local church with some building work and assistance with an upcoming convention, its just business as usual around the place. We would love to hear from you anytime so please feel free to drop us a line anytime with your news.

All our love and Gods blessings to you all

Ron and Tanya


Prayer support

1. Thanks for a great refreshing holiday

2. For our families at home, for good health and safety in their daily activities.

3. For the SIW board as they plan and recruit staff for the SWIM base based on a recent review. May there be those willing to come and serve in the Solomon Islands.