Table of contents

Supporting Workers in Mission – SWIM NEWS – Mid Year 2022



Inside this Newsletter:


  1. Covid update
  2. Health Inspection giving the “all-clear”
  3. Rainy Season
  4. Pastor Andrew’s Week of Rest
  5. Preahing and Teaching Opportunities
  6. YWAM Classes
  7. Devotions with the Prime Minister
  8. Refurbishment of the Offices and Infrastructure
  9. Water Project
  10. Prayer Points

Introduction and Thanks to Every Supporter


Everyone at SWIM is excited that the ministry is reigniting after a long country lockdown. The Solomon Island Workgroup (SIW) want to thank so many of you who supported SWIM by giving generously to the Compassionate Catalogue. You have enabled SWIM to continue and expand our church’s important ministry in the Solomon Islands.

Covid update


Covid cases in the country have fluctuated for the past three months depending on the number of people migrating to and from the provinces back into town. The percentage reduced for about a month and then increased again. The travelling restrictions between the provinces were removed at the end of March increasing the ratio and then dropped again in May. Thank God that the percentages remained stable allowing for the international border to open again on the 1st of July.

Health Inspection



SWIM was given permission to reopen for business (ministry etc) given that an inspection had been conducted and all staff tested negative for covid. We thank God that SWIM is “all-clear” which enables ministry to the community to commence again.

There are already “stay over” bookings in place for our venue and also hiring of other facilities such as the chapel for day groups.

Rainy Season

The second quarter of the year began with extreme weather causing floods and the overflowing of water catchments. This flooding was in and around Honiara and cut off most of the road access into the central business district.

Because SWIM was outside of the central business district we were not able to go into the centre of the city. Banking and access to government departments was restricted but we were thankful that this did not last for long.





Pastor Andrew’s Week of Rest March 23/03/2022



Pastor Andrew Fanasia and wife had a week’s rest as part of his healing process and to speed his recovery from sickness mid-March upon the advice of the Doctor. The resort venue was Ginger Beach Bungalow with a beautiful and restful setting. A big thank you to those who sponsored the week out and for prayers for Pastor and wife. They are now both healthy and strong to serve.

Preaching and Teaching opportunities

We thank God for open doors for SWIM to continue doing ministry through preaching at churches despite the covid situation. Part of SWIM’s mission is to share the word, and both Andrew Fanasia and Dennis McAdams have had some invitations to preach at local churches in and around Honiara during the past months. This has been a blessing to both SWIM and the recipient churches.


YWAM Classes


Dennis McAdams and Andrew Fanasia were invited by the Burns Creek YWAM school to teach as they wound up their DTS. Dennis McAdams completed a week of teaching travelling to YWAM each morning. Pastor Andrew Fanasia also taught for a week on Biblical World view and the Christian view of mission, but in this week the YWAM students travelled to SWIM due to Pastor Andrew Fanasia’s health condition. The classes concluded with a lunch together with the SWIM staff and some volleyball games in the afternoon. This proved a very successful and the YWAM staff all conveyed their appreciation to SWIM for the arrangement.

Devotion with the Prime Minister


SWIM was invited by the Prime Minister to share at a morning devotion with his cabinet.

Pastor Andrew and wife, Unity, took the opportunity and attended on behalf of SWIM. The devotion focused on the narrative of Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the broken walls of Jerusalem, one found in Nehemiah chapters 1 – 6.

After the devotional message and closing prayer, The Prime Minister responded saying, “Thank you for coming. This is God’s true message to this office and the Nation. Yes, the whole nation needs to hear this message, and we need to work on this message, but come again and as God continues to speak.” We can be thankful that SWIM is not only impacting communities but is also providing spiritual encouragement and guidance to the nation.





Refurbishment of Offices and Infrastructure


The staff are glad to be using a new office setup, which is more spacious and comfortable for visitors. For a long time, the admin office has had termite issue, and been a smaller space. It was in need of some rearranging and refurbishment. The space has been expanded to allow a sitting space for visitors in a waiting area and also to allow good ventilation and a more workable office area. The refurbishment is still ongoing, but slowly taking shape as work progresses.


Water Project 

 Many communities in the Solomons lack ready access to a good water supply. Seeing the great need, SWIM liaised with Clean Water for Life to drill bore holes for communities, churches and institutions. The first bore hole was drilled at Agape community next to SWIM base and handed over to the community, the second was at the Trinity Anglican Church Community and the last one was at Emmanuel Church Community. We are thankful to Dennis McAdams who is managing the project on the ground here liaising with community members along with Rick Rupp who is from Clean Water for Life. All glory to God for blessing us to be a blessing to others.





As you think of SWIM today, please pray with us –

  • for continual financial support to sustain the ministries and development plans for SWIM

for a committed and strong Christian Assistant pastor for the SWIM Base.

  • for continued good health for SWIM
  • for the ministries on base to bless lives and bring souls to
  • for our proposed projects such as water for life to impact communities near and

May God continue to reward you for your continued support.